Marine planning is important for many areas, and not just those at sea. It relates to planning decisions for the coast, estuaries and tidal waters (which sometimes extend a long distance inland), as well as developments that impact on these areas, such as infrastructure. Marine planning has important links and interactions with land-use planning. For example, the intertidal zone between high water and low water mark is covered by both planning systems. As with land-use planning, marine planning is a statutory requirement. A new marine planning system was introduced in 2009 through the Marine and Coastal Access Act.

The Act gave the Marine Management Organisation delegated functions for marine planning from the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Whilst marine plans are being developed, planning decisions for the marine area must take into account the Marine Policy Statement (published 2011).The Marine Policy Statement includes a summary of national policies relevant to marine planning and decision-making in the marine areas. Click here to access the guide

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