Alternative use of dredge material in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas (MMO1190)

A project to map opportunities for the alterative use of dredge material in NE, NW, SE, SW Marine Plan areas.

Report- Dredging Alternative Use Sediment

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently developing the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas around the English coast. As there is a need for more dredged material to be re-used rather than disposed of at sea, used “alternatively”, there is a requirement for a national dataset to be developed to identify sites of potential alternative use and to associate these with suitable future dredging campaigns. To meet this need, the MMO is developing a strategic overview of where dredging occurs and where this resource is needed to support alternative use of the extracted material. The MMO commissioned Royal HaskoningDHV to develop this dataset for the North East, North West, South East and South West Marine Plans and to undertake a review of the data.

Click here to read the report

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