21 Apr 2020

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Industry has approved plans for Equinor’s 88MW Hywind Tampen floating wind project. Both the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) and the Norwegian government have approved the project, Equinor said. Equinor and the Snorre and Gullfaks partners submitted two updated plans for development and operation to Norwegian authorities last October. The […]

14 Apr 2020

Offshore wind – EAC inquiry Deadline to submit responses is 15th May 2020 – click here to access the EAC’s online Call for Evidence portal The Committee is inviting written submissions to inform its first session. These should focus on, but not be limited to:  How effective has the Government’s offshore wind Sector Deal been in moving the sector towards becoming an integral […]

05 Mar 2020

The Guardian describes the background to this crazy policy block on onshore wind which has had huge consequences for other parts of the renewables sector.  This could have a huge impact on the water industry which has a huge energy bill but the capacity, expertise and land to do far more – for example Severn […]

28 Jan 2020

Steve Hull, ABPmer: ‘Offshore wind expansion in UK waters is facing constraints by the EU Birds & Habitats Directives, which set acceptability standards for impacts to Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation, particularly in relation to potential impacts to seabirds. Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies are now advising that, based on current scientific understanding […]

05 Jan 2020

Offshore wind energy: draft sectoral marine plan The Plan aims to identify the most sustainable plan options for the future development of commercial-scale offshore wind energy in Scotland. Scottish Government ‘The Plan aims to identify the most sustainable plan options for the future development of commercial-scale offshore wind energy in Scotland, including deep water wind […]

26 Oct 2019

Offshore windfarms ‘can provide more electricity than the world needs’ Supplies from turbines will prove to be the next great energy revolution, IEA predicts Guardian Jillian Ambrose Energy correspondent ‘Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report. An IEA […]