13 Jan 2015

Steve Hull   ‘The Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG – one of the four evidence groups reporting to the Marine Science Coordination Committee) has published a report http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/marine/science/MSCC/PSEG/socecenviron exploring current requirements and guidance on socio-economic assessment for marine development projects. It highlights that while UK marine policy increasingly demands that regulators integrate environmental, social and economic […]

10 Dec 2014

Open government is the simple yet powerful idea that institutions work better for citizens when they are transparent, engaging and accountable. If you’re interested in opening up government budgets, contracts, datasets, decision-making, information, policymaking or public services, we invite you to join the UK Open Government Forum. Click here: http://forum.opengovernment.org.uk/ At the centre of open government […]

06 Dec 2014

Running for five weeks, this is the first stage in the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process, where the South marine plans are independently assessed to understand how they will help deliver sustainable development. The scoping report looks at sustainability issues such as communities, health and wellbeing, marine ecology and cultural heritage. MMO’s Sustainability Manager, Chris Maxwell, […]

01 Dec 2014

This edition of SUDG newsletter sets out a range of issues and perspectives of current interest to the Group and its members including: The need for guidance on for industry in relation to MCZs A new approach to monitoring on a regional scale by the aggregate industry An initiative by DONG and SSE in the […]

30 Aug 2014

http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/focussdgs.html  The Ocean goal (14) is set out below  UN  ‘The countdown to the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 grows apace with the recent adoption of an ‘outcome document’. Goal 14 covers the oceans At the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012, governments agreed to set a number […]

19 Aug 2014

How long does it take for an idea to sink in? Much longer than we think. So no apologies for this image. Attending recent conferences, it’s surprising that speakers with strong natural resources perspective are still using older models of sustainability which don’t fully recognise the importance of environment. These two publications explain the context […]