11 Dec 2019

This Policy Position Statement (PPS) explains the importance of soils and the threats which they face. It recommends actions to address these threats. Concerted action is needed to protect soils. Their needs should be reflected in the policies and actions of all relevant stakeholders, both private and public. CIWEM supports the implementation of the 25 […]

19 Sep 2018

New reports will enable UK to make the most of its natural assets Four new reports on Natural Capital published today will enable governments and businesses to take an evidence-based approach to valuing the UK’s natural assets.  Natural Capital refers to the assets within our natural environment that provide benefits for humans. Plants, animals, freshwater, […]

02 May 2018

Soil is currently being destroyed ten times faster than it’s being created. This is not only putting the farming sector at risk and costing England & Wales £1.2 billion a year, but is affecting the health of our rivers. A new report by WWF, The Rivers Trust and The Angling Trusts shows that spending approximately £10 million […]

26 Mar 2018

This report, produced with the National Trust, develops the Natural Infrastructure Scheme (NIS) concept, which we first proposed in 2016. The NIS mechanism creates a market for environmental improvements which funds sustainable practices. In the case studied in this report, we look at the potential to use the scheme to improve soil and water quality in the Anglian river basin. […]

08 Feb 2017

Monitoring Llangarron water quality from space Andrew Richman, Geomatics Project Manager, the Environment Agency and Crispin Hambidge, Geomatics Consultant, the Environment Agency, 27 January 2017 — Data Transformation, Defra digital, Defra Science and Innovation, Defra services, Earth Observation, Open data Environment Agency Geomatics experts Andrew Richman and Crispin Hambidge explain how satellite and LiDAR are helping Enforcement Officers identify agricultural runoff. Making data not just analysis-ready […]

15 Jun 2016

EAC Soil Health Report published Report: Soil Health Report: Soil Health (PDF 761KB)  EAC ‘Healthy soils (both urban and rural) are important for food production and human wellbeing. Soil health cannot be measured directly, so indicators (physical, chemical, and biological properties, processes, or characteristics) are generally used. These measurable properties of soil or plants provide […]