18 Jul 2023

Following the ReMeMaRe (Restoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef) 2023 conference which took place in Scarborough last week, Dr Rob Bradburne, the Environment Agency Chief Scientist, sets out his views and vision for marine restoration. Taking a holistic approach to coastal habitat restoration Fresh approaches Restoring saltmarshes, seagrass meadows and native oyster beds is of importance […]

13 Jun 2023

Roger Proudfoot of the Environment Agency answers questions on the organisation’s priorities for restoration and the links to government policy. He is the convener of ReMeMaRe 2023, the UK’s leading coastal and estuarine restoration conference, which is taking place on 11 & 12 July in Scarborough. Can you introduce yourself and your role Roger Proudfoot, […]

18 Apr 2023

A report published by Cornwall Wildlife Trust and Natural England has revealed that St Austell Bay supports one of the largest known seagrass beds in the UK. The findings come from the St Austell Bay Blue Carbon Mapping Project, part of the ambitious G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery announced by the Prime Minister at the G7 […]

28 Feb 2023

Five million seagrass seeds will be planted off Wales’ coast to create climate change-fighting underwater meadows. On Wednesday, 50,000 were laid at Penychain off the Llŷn Peninsula in Gwynedd. A news story on the BBC website said that Seagrass Ocean Rescue wants 10 hectares (25 acres) of seagrass meadow by 2026. WWF Cymru’s Rory Francis said Wales had […]

07 Feb 2023

The first seeds are due to be planted in waters off the Scottish capital as part of a major restoration project that aims to improve biodiversity in the Firth of Forth. Conservationists and volunteers have collected more than 40,000 seagrass seeds from around Orkney and prepared them for planting, with sowing work due to start […]

31 Jan 2023

South Tyneside Council has secured £6.9m in funding to use with the aim of strengthening North Eastern coastlines and their communities in the face of flooding, erosion and the impacts of climate change. The funding is part of the Stronger Shores initiative, funded by Defra’s £150m Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme which aims to […]

10 Jan 2023

A new project is hoping to create seagrass meadows on the Tees for the first time in more than a century, according to local news outlets. The plant, which only grows in seawater, used to exist around the Tees estuary but has not been recorded there since 1906. Permission has been applied for to create […]

13 Dec 2022

A review of Studland Bay’s voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ) is being conducted by Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The VNAZ was introduced in 2021 to protect the seagrass beds, and the animals it is home to, from damage from the dropping and weighing of anchors. This review will reflect on the first year of the […]