A blog by Alex Plant, Scottish Water Chief Executive Officer The amount customers pay to keep Scotland’s water cycle flowing is increasing. It’s going up because the climate we rely on for the water needs of our nation is affecting every aspect of our services, and we must do more to maintain and replace our […]

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Fishing for sandeel is to be banned in Scottish waters ahead of the 2024 fishery season, subject to Parliamentary approval. Sandeel support the long term sustainability and resilience of the marine ecosystem and are an important food source for many species, including marine mammals, seabirds and predatory fish. Commercial fishing for sandeel is currently carried […]

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Young Sea Changers Scotland, a new charity dedicated to training the next generation of marine advocates, launches across Scotland this month. Young Sea Changers Scotland (YSCS) was set up to address a lack of young people participating in formal discussions and decision-making processes affecting how our seas are managed for the future. In a 2018 […]

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A trial to research the economic opportunities and environmental impacts of electrofishing for razor clams has been extended for a further 12 months. The extension aims to strengthen the evidence-base and inform future decisions about capacity for a sustainable razor clam fishery in Scottish waters, including developing fisheries management measures.     Scottish razor clams […]

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Scottish marine energy company Nova Innovation has installed a marine floating solar demonstrator to power Forth Ports’ headquarters in the Port of Leith. Nova’s marine solar demonstrator was constructed and installed over the summer, showcasing the company’s ability to harness abundant solar energy on water surfaces. The operational array has already demonstrated its resilience by […]

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Scotland’s National Marine Plan (NMP) was published in 2015 and following statutory reviews on the current plan, last year Scottish Ministers committed to update and replace the NMP (NMP2). The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires that a sustainability appraisal is undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed policies within the National Marine […]

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Proposals to introduce electronic tracking and monitoring technology for small fishing vessels will be consulted on as part of package of new fisheries measures, the Scottish Government has announced. The consultation proposes that vessel tracking devices will be required by Scottish commercial fishing vessels under 12 metres in length wherever they operate, and by all […]

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