13 Jan 2020

UK satellites to help lead the fight against climate change new government-backed virtual satellite data centre will analyse the impact climate change is having on the UK, help shape policies on reducing carbon emissions, and contribute to reaching net zero targets 50 new PhD researchers and £5 million investment to enable use of satellite images to better […]

24 Feb 2019

News from the Environment Agency about a project to better protect eels, a critically endangered species, by learning more about their migration routes. Prehistoric eels travel around 6000 kilometres from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean but exactly where they spawn remains completely unknown. In December, three eels were fitted with satellite tags and released into […]

08 Feb 2017

Monitoring Llangarron water quality from space Andrew Richman, Geomatics Project Manager, the Environment Agency and Crispin Hambidge, Geomatics Consultant, the Environment Agency, 27 January 2017 — Data Transformation, Defra digital, Defra Science and Innovation, Defra services, Earth Observation, Open data Environment Agency Geomatics experts Andrew Richman and Crispin Hambidge explain how satellite and LiDAR are helping Enforcement Officers identify agricultural runoff. Making data not just analysis-ready […]