Shades of Orwellian double-speak and an interesting contradiction. How can ‘good progress’ be equated with the first rise in incidents since 2012  – to 1902 incidents – (an increase of 160 pollution incidents) from the nine major water companies? The EA’s report found the majority of the UK’s water companies achieved close to or exceeded […]

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Containment News is a mine of information on water pollution. One might have thought that water pollution was very 70’s & 80’s but this monthly newsletter reveals malpractice and poor management alive and well on a huge scale. To subscribe to this FREE monthly eNewsletter please click HERE all we require is your Email address, we will not share your details […]

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 The BBC reports on thousands of spills at US oil and gas fracking sites. According to published research, up to 16% of hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells spill liquids every year. Scientists found that there had been 6,600 releases from these fracked wells over a ten-year period in four states. The biggest problems were […]

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The European Commission says the UK needs to take greater action on air quality. The Commission has sent final warnings to Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the UK for failing to address repeated breaches of air pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO2 pollution is a serious health risk, with most emissions resulting from road […]

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Thames Water will face its “biggest ever fine” after pumping millions of gallons of untreated sewage into the River Thames, a judge has warned. The company admitted water pollution and other offences at sewage facilities in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Fish and birds died following the spills in 2013 and 2014.One fisherman lost thousands and went […]

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Water pollution isn’t really a very fashionable topic, in addition to those high profile fines and incidents there are a host of smaller incidents which continue to beg the question about management and investment practices for all sorts of businesses. Containment News is a mine of information on this ongoing problem: To subscribe to this FREE monthly […]

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The latest reports from the Environment Agency on environmental performance show that pollution incidents from water companies operating mainly in England are falling while the quality of the water environment continues to rise. In 2015, 65% of all serious pollution incidents affected the water environment, while 19% affected air and 21% affected land. The water […]

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