24 Feb 2019

Late in 2018 CMS & MCS collaborated on a questionnaire to assess what you – the readers of CMS News – are doing to tackle plastic pollution. The preliminary survey results from 590 of you showed that you were very aware and taking a wide range of actions to try and reduce plastics pollution. City […]

20 Feb 2019

The government launches a series of consultations to overhaul the waste system. Published 18 February 2019 From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, HM Treasury, The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, and The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP Press release and details of consultations Government launches consultations to overhaul the waste system, cut plastic pollution, and move […]

20 Feb 2019

Scientific paper published by University of Plymouth reveals impact ‘bio-bead’ spillage in Fal Estuary has had on ecosystem Billions of highly toxic plastic pellets that spilled into an estuary in Cornwall  ten years ago have entered the food chain, scientists have discovered. Bio-beads – small wrinkled or ridged plastic pellets – are used as a base […]

19 Jan 2019

A plan to ban single-use plastic products such as disposable plates and straws has been agreed. EU member states and the EU parliament still have to give the provisional agreement the go-ahead. European lawmakers have reached an agreement on a ban of single-use plastic products, the Austrian presidency said in Brussels on Wednesday. The move is […]

10 Jan 2019

EA & Defra ‘2015 pollution killed dozens of fish – Defra ‘Thames Water has been fined £2million after raw sewage polluted two Oxfordshire streams, killing almost 150 fish. The sewage also flooded a nearby garden.   Judge Peter Ross, at Oxford Crown Court on 21 December, ruled the incident in 2015 as a high-end, category three […]

12 Dec 2018

EAC Comprehensive report into Nitrate Pollution in its many forms EAC Introduction: We decided to look at the issue of nitrate pollution for several reasons. One was the continuing problem of water quality. For instance, in October 2015, it was reported that the majority of water bodies in England were failing to achieve good status […]

03 Dec 2018

Water pollution in the River Thames The Environment Agency’s successful prosecution of Thames Water over a series of major pollution incidents on the River Thames was the subject of a new documentary aired by BBC 1 yesterday. Defenders UK follows the work of enforcement officers from various agencies as they work to protect the public, with the […]

03 Dec 2018

The Welsh Assembly is introducing new regulations covering the whole of Wales to protect water quality from agricultural pollution. The regulations will come into force in January 2020 with transitional periods for some elements to allow farmers time to adapt and ensure compliance. The regulations will include the following measures: nutrient management planning sustainable fertiliser […]