Marine Planning Newsletter: May 2020 During the current health emergency, the MMO is continuing to provide vital services and support to our customers and stakeholders. We are in the main working remotely, in line with the latest advice from Government and continue to be contactable by email, phone and on-line. This issue of the marine […]

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This document is aimed at marine plan users (applicants and decision makers), it takes a hypothetical example, from the development of a proposal, through a marine licence application, to a licensing decision. It complements and illustrates the guidance provided in the marine plan documents, using the South Marine Plan as its appropriate marine policy document. […]

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Robert Jenrick,  Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government Hansard ‘I would like to make a statement expanding on the housing measures set out in yesterday’s Budget. I have deposited a document in the Library setting out our vision for the future of the planning system. A new planning Bill announced … a […]

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This supplementary planning document sets out the standards required to meet the visions, objectives and policies of the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans as sustainably as possible. It comes at a critical time in the approach to climate change and the environmental crisis by both local and national government, and after Parliament revised the […]

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Post by: Dale Rodmell, NFFO Assistant Chief Executive, For the fishing industry, the development of large-scale projects (such as offshore windfarms) in the marine area can mean displacement from customary fishing grounds and knock-on effects elsewhere. A major purpose of the marine planning system, as recognised in the UK Marine Policy Statement, is to manage […]

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