16 Jan 2017

Two articles: Phosphorus is a well know pollutant which is prompting Severn Trent trial removal technologies but it is also key to remember that it is a valuable resource and recycling is key element of European thinking highlighted by the SCOPE newsletter. Severn Trent trials five technologies for phosphorous removal  Severn Trent: Andrew Bridgen, MP for […]

15 Jun 2016

I routinely draw on a very wide range of newsletters and websites. This latest edition of the SCOPE newsletter is a mine of information. Sign up here. N° 121 of the SCOPE Newsletter is now online at www.phosphorusplatform.eu Under: SCOPE Newsletter ESPP input to EU Fertilisers Regulation revision proposal Improve-P: Fertiliser value of composts and digestates ESPP proposed […]

06 Apr 2016

Research commissioned by the Environment Agency predicts that eutrophication in rivers will increase with climate change, but can be mitigated with better water management. It sets out a national scale picture of flow related changes in phosphorus concentrations and indicates where the Agency may need to target intervention to meet phosphorus standards in the future. […]