RWE has launched its first global “Floating Wind Co- use Competition”. The company is looking for solutions to promote co-existence with other sea users and biodiversity enhancement. Making the difference in two domains: Biodiversity and co-existence with other sea users RWE invites start-ups, scale-ups, research institutes as well as other individuals and organisations to propose […]

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Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm is now fully operational and generating clean, renewable energy to Britain’s power grid, SSE Renewables and its partner TotalEnergies have announced. Seagreen, located 27km off the Angus coast in the North Sea’s Firth of Forth, is now Scotland’s largest wind farm as well as the world’s deepest fixed-bottom offshore wind […]

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The development of offshore renewable energy in Europe yields ambiguous results, the European Court of Auditors warns in a new report. EU action and money have contributed to the development of ‘blue energy’ in pursuit of the bloc’s climate and energy objectives. But the EU may fall short of its ambitions, the auditors say, while […]

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Offshore construction has officially started at RWE’s 1.4 gigawatt (GW) Sofia Offshore Wind Farm, to install essential subsea cable infrastructure from the UK’s north east coast to the wind farm site on Dogger Bank, in the central North Sea. Cable contractor Prysmian’s high-tech Leonardo da Vinci vessel will lay the first section of high voltage direct current […]

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Plans for a massive wind farm project off the Norfolk coast have been dramatically halted in a major blow for the county’s burgeoning energy industry. Swedish company Vattenfall announced that it had halted plans for its Norfolk Boreas project. The company said costs for the scheme had soared by 40pc due to inflation and it […]

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