15 Nov 2022

Results have been collated, analysed and now released from the 2022 MCS beach cleans. 5,261 dedicated volunteers took part in the Marine Conservation Society’s ‘Great British Beach Clean’ in 2022. Around 30 miles of beach was cleaned across the UK with litter items recorded over the ten days with volunteers helping to pick up over 141,048 pieces of […]

18 Oct 2022

Two per cent of all fishing gear used worldwide ends up polluting the oceans, new research finds. To put that into perspective, the amount of longline fishing gear littering the ocean each year can circle the Earth more than 18 times.     Researchers as CSIRO, the Australian government’s scientific research centre, found that 740,000km of […]

27 Sep 2022

Fauna & Flora International have released a new report into plastic pellets’ impact on the environment and biodiversity, exploring how and when they enter our oceans and the limited action being taken to prevent this damaging source of pollution. FFI’s new report, ‘Stemming the tide: putting an end to plastic pellet pollution’,  highlights that plastic pellet pollution […]

11 May 2022

Scientists are calling for the production of new plastics to be capped in a bid to cut pollution and tackle the climate crisis. In March 2022, 175 countries unanimously agreed to adopt a global plastic treaty to stop plastic pollution. Not only is the treaty set to address the issue of plastic waste, but it will address the “full lifecycle of plastics,” from the extraction […]

01 Mar 2022

Reducing use of plastic, made from oil and gas, has implications for the climate as well as pollution levels,  Inger Andersen, head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has said. More than 100 nations convening in Nairobi are expected to take the first steps toward establishing a historic global treaty to tackle the plastic crisis […]

22 Feb 2022

Global survey sees ‘nearly nine in 10 people supporting a UN plastic pollution treaty but will governments follow?’ As we covered recently, the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly takes place online and in Nairobi at the end of February 2022. A key element of the summit will be the potential for a […]