13 Apr 2021

Spanning six years and seven seagrass meadows along the California coast, a paper published from the University of California, is the most extensive study yet of how seagrasses can buffer ocean acidification. The study reports on how seagrass meadows along the California coast  can alleviate low pH, or more acidic  conditions for extended periods of […]

19 May 2020

For an excellent overview of the topic ‘oceans and climate change’ Click here to watch  the recently uploaded Society of Underwater Technology 30min WebinAir by Prof Ralph Rayner. He reviews the science, sets out some options for response, such as the immensely challenging geoengineering proposals and makes an urgent call for action in the coming […]

25 May 2018

An analysis of the economic impacts of ocean acidification on shellfish fisheries and aquaculture in the UK estimates total loss to UK economy between £23-£88 million. This equates to annual economic losses of between £3-6 billion of UKs GDP in 2013 for medium and high emission scenarios. There are regional variations due to different patterns […]

30 Aug 2016

  The outcome of the Referendum highlighted the reaction against experts and provides a significant challenge to the whole science and technical community. The need to respond to misinformation effectively are growing. Phillip Williamson, UEA: ‘At the end of April, The Spectator published an article on ocean acidification by James Delingpole.   Unfortunately it was classic […]

07 Dec 2015

The Paris Climate change conference (COP21) will come to its end on Friday (11th December) We will be doing  let me know if there is anything particularly useful interesting on the outputs: Follow it day by day on   http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en/ Here are two useful interesting videos.  What does ocean acidification look like?  Jason Hall-Spencer Marine scientists […]