17 Mar 2019

EMODnet Biology is proud to unveil a new and innovative showcase of exemplar marine biological data products. Launched on 19 December 2019, the European Atlas of Marine Life  presents a range of data products including tools, models and maps, illustrating the diverse range of outputs that can be generated from EMODnet Biology hosted data. Since […]

01 Dec 2014

While Ken Collins has gone live with this observation there is at least one multi-author publications in press as well a variety of other observations (including video) from west Wales, the east coast and Dutch coast supporting this observation.  Ken Collins ‘It’s one of the big mysteries in my career as a marine biologist. Something […]

30 Aug 2014

Marine Ripple: Researchers at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the University of Exeter have combined two innovative technologies to probe the mystery of how seabirds locate food hotspots across vast tracts of ocean. The way in which marine predators find prey in what to us seems a largely featureless landscape, often tens or hundreds of […]

04 May 2014

Emma Sheehan   ‘Lyme Bay reef update following winter storms. Plymouth University Marine Institute has been annually monitoring recovery of the Lyme Bay reefs (south west UK) since they were protected from towed demersal fishing in 2008. It was unknown whether the reef assemblages would be impacted by this winter’s storms. Monitoring stations from the annual […]