09 Jan 2021

Controls over wild wrasse harvesting imposed By Robert Outram – 1st December 2020 Fish Farmer ‘The Scottish Government has announced mandatory controls over the harvesting of wild wrasse for managing sea lice in the salmon farming industry. Fishers will have to meet certain criteria, show they have an appropriate relationship with an aquaculture business and have a proven […]

16 Jun 2020

‘Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland’s 2016 Petition to the Scottish Parliament led to the 2018 ECCLR and REC Committee inquiries into salmon farming. The REC Committee identified that “the ‘status quo’ in terms of regulation and enforcement of the fish farming industry is not acceptable”. In response, the Scottish Government tasked the Salmon Interactions Working […]

30 Jul 2019

D&S IFCA   The closed fishing period for potting for Live Wrasse species is between 1st May and 15th July inclusive. After this date there is the opportunity for commercial fishers with a D&S IFCA Potting Permit to fish for Live Wrasse but there are restrictions in place. The Live Wrasse Pot Fishery is highly regulated via the […]

11 Jun 2019

Set against an industry plan to double the size of the Scottish salmon farming sector has been a growing and vociferous coalition of organisations and campaigners opposed to these plans. A Scottish Parliament review was also extremely critical of both the salmon producers and the regulators for their current approach. Set against this has been […]

25 Sep 2018

Scotland’s 10 Year Farmed Fish Health Framework (May 2018) Strategic Framework for Farmed Fish Health in Scotland Summary: The Scottish Government committed within the 2017/18 Programme for Government to develop a strategic framework for farmed fish health in Scotland. This document was produced by the Farmed Fish Health Working Group, co-chaired by Ben Hadfield, MD […]