Ireland’s City of Cork will host the 2025 European Maritime Day – the EU’s flagship annual maritime event. Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, made the announcement, saying that it was fitting that the event would take place in Cork which has a long maritime history. Established in 2008, European Maritime Day […]

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The government of Ireland has published A National Strategy for Nature Based Management of Urban Rainwater and Urban Surface Water Discharges – This strategy sets out a road map regarding the implementation of nature-based solutions in urban design. In order to do this, many different agencies and departments at national and local level must work […]

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The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, has published Ireland’s first spatial plan for renewable energy at sea, the draft South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP). This plan identifies four maritime areas off the south coast for offshore renewable energy (ORE) development over the next decade. An independent economic analysis accompanying […]

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The Irish Government has confirmed the establishment of Ireland’s first Marine National Park – Páírc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí. The new park, which is in Co. Kerry, will unite some of Europe’s most ecologically valuable places in celebration of nature across 70,000 acres of lands and seas. It brings together new acquisitions by the National […]

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An investment of €233m to fund 12 European environmental and climate projects was announced by the European Commission on 22 February 2024. As part of the EU’s long-term LIFE programme, Ireland is to receive €15.14m of funding to expand and enforce a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) with its waters. The 12 Europe-wide strategic […]

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From Ireland’s Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage: Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD has announced another significant addition to Ireland’s Natura 2000 network. The new Seas off Wexford Special Protection Area (SPA), which is to be designated under the EU Birds Directive, will cover more than 305,000 […]

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Ireland’s ocean economy grew its turnover by 17 per cent last year, while the number of jobs in the sector rose by 19 per cent, according to a report by the Marine Institute. The 2023 Ocean Economy Report provides an update on Ireland’s ocean economy for 2022 across three main economic indicators: turnover, gross value […]

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