Ofwat has brought forward 33 schemes from 2025-30, to be commenced over the next two financial years, valued at £2.2bn, up from the £1.6bn consulted on in April. The additional £600 million will deliver: Ten schemes worth close to £1.7bn to reduce overflow spills by around 10,000 per year. The installation of 462,000 smart meters […]

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A total investment in nature of USD 8.1 trillion is required between now and 2050 – while annual investment should reach USD 536 billion annually by 2050 – in order to successfully tackle the interlinked climate, biodiversity, and land degradation crises, according to the State of Finance for Nature report. The report finds that annual investments in […]

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Ofwat has revealed that water and wastewater companies are falling behind on their investment plans, leaving promised service improvements behind schedule or undelivered. Ofwat, as part of the price review process, sets allowances for how much companies can invest over the price control period, to maintain and improve its water network. Between 2020 and 2022 […]

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From Defra Innovative projects to restore and rewet peatlands, create green urban spaces and improve flood resilience are among 50 schemes to benefit from the final round of a pioneering fund to drive private investment in nature and tackle climate change. The second round of the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF), announced today by […]

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The Financial Times has published two separate articles flagging up decades of under-investment by the water companies in their networks while paying £73 billion in dividends to shareholders. From Waterbriefing The articles draw on new research by the leading business publication which shows that six out of 10 companies increased their capital investment in the […]

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UKMPG  Ports as Hubs for Sustainable Energy The UK Major Ports Group (“UKMPG”), the trade association for the UK’s largest port operators, has today called on the Government to establish a dedicated ‘Green Ports Fund’. The fund would co-invest alongside industry in green assets and infrastructure which are technologically proven but currently unaffordable, delivering major […]

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