Scottish Water and United Utilities are working with tech group ChangeMaker3D and Manchester Metropolitan University to produce 3D concrete printed infrastructure components. The £1.7 million project is backed by the Ofwat Innovation Fund and can print assets in a matter of hours compared to the several days it would take using traditional methods, achieving carbon […]

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The National Infrastructure Commission has published its Infrastructure Progress Review 2024 – the Commission’s annual assessment of government progress on infrastructure strategy and delivery in priority areas. The review finds that over the last 12 months, progress has been mixed. There has been continued expansion in the reach of digital networks, and devolution deals for […]

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A new report by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is warning that the UK Government and wider economy lack the necessary skills and capacity to deliver ambitious plans for major infrastructure over the next five years. The Committee is calling for the Government to set out how it will address these issues […]

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The government has (13 March 2024) responded to the Commission’s study on reducing the risks of surface water flooding, published in November 2022. While it accepts the principles behind a number of the Commission’s recommendations, the government’s response – in the Commission’s view – makes few new commitments on steps to manage surface water flood risk more actively, […]

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In the State of the Nation 2024 Infrastructure report, the ICE sets out how civil engineers can play a vital role in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report focuses specifically on the challenges of providing affordable and resilient transport, water, and low-carbon energy solutions amid the climate crisis. It also features case […]

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A major report on the UK’s infrastructure has been published by the National Infrastructure Commission. it covers energy, transport, water and waste, and says there are large gaps in investment and many areas in which the UK’s existing infrastructure is poorly maintained and inadequate. Overall, investment of about £30bn a year from the taxpayer and […]

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The Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure has published the Global Infrastructure Resilience Report. The biennial report addresses a crucial void in the ongoing discourse on infrastructure resilience by providing a compelling argument from economic, financial, and political perspectives for prioritizing investments in resilience. It brings together an unprecedented collection of evidence, delivering a strong case […]

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The National Infrastructure Commission and Climate Change Committee have written jointly to government urging ministers to take steps to improve the resilience of key infrastructure services to the effects of climate change. Building on recent reports by both organisations, the advisory bodies set out five steps to accelerate national adaptation planning to protect key networks: Setting clear […]

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