28 Oct 2021

Outcome Indicator Framework for the 25 Year Environment Plan The Outcome Indicator Framework is a comprehensive set of indicators describing environmental change that relates to the 10 goals within the 25 Year Environment Plan. The framework contains 66 indicators, arranged into 10 broad themes. The indicators are extensive; they cover natural capital assets (for example, land, freshwater, air […]

21 Oct 2020

One can try and put a gloss on the actions taken over the last decade but the reality of this indicators report shows that we are not winning the battle to halt the declines in wildlife or habitats. There is an equally grim recently published report from Europe on this. Defra ‘There is coverage in today’s […]

18 Jun 2020

This is government’s annual account of how it has implemented its commitments for protecting and improving the environment. It is our second account of progress since we published the 25 Year Environment Plan, our plan for improving the environment within a generation. Our 25 Year Environment Plan is a living blueprint for the environment covering […]

11 Dec 2019

Defra:  ‘ENV09 – England biodiversity indicators A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services, biodiversity 2020 indicators: 2019 assessment. In December 2019, this dataset was updated in order to correct an error in indicator 13 and to reflect the availability of new data for indicators 2b, 4c and 19. The revised dataset supersedes the earlier […]

19 Jan 2019

From Alastair Chisholm & Bruce Horton: In the wake of agencies like Natural England stopping their indicator work Defra are consulting on the indicator framework for the 25 year plan. It has identified 15 headline indicators and 65 ‘system’ indicators Introduction Summary: The government launched the 25 Year Environment Plan in January 2018 and the […]

13 Nov 2018

Introduction    The Natural Environment White Paper (NEWP) was published in 2011 by the coalition government. It set out the government’s strategy for valuing nature in our society and ensuring that it is available for use by future generations. The White Paper contained 92 commitments. The England Natural Environment Indicators (ENEI) publication has been produced under […]

05 Sep 2018

EEA: Europe’s freshwater and marine resources may seem limitless but they are under increasing pressure from pollution, over-exploitation and climate change. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Signals 2018 explores the state and trends of Europe’s waters, asking how we can ensure healthy rivers, lakes, groundwater resources and seas for future generations. The new ‘EEA Signals 2018 […]