13 Aug 2024

The first detailed maps from the underside of the Doston Ice Shelf in Antarctica has revealed patterns that couldn’t be explained by existing models. On one side of the ice shelf, areas where the ice had melted were teardrop shaped whilst the other side, however, resembled landscapes on ice.   Underside of the ice shelf. […]

27 Oct 2020

Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/22/alarm-as-arctic-sea-ice-not-yet-freezing-at-latest-date-on-record?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Guardian ‘Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record Delayed freeze in Laptev Sea could have knock-on effects across polar region, scientists say For the first time since records began, the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in […]

22 Jul 2020

From Executive Summary Infrastructure projects can, and should, deliver many more benefits for individuals, communities and local economies. Infrastructure’s purpose is to meet fundamental societal needs; such as roads, public transport, low carbon energy supply, clean water and flood protection. The societal benefits that infrastructure projects can generate are not, however, limited to delivering this basic […]

07 Jul 2020

Achieving the net-zero target by 2050 will require an unprecedented transformation of our infrastructure. The vital infrastructure systems on which the UK is built – such as energy, transport and utilities – currently contribute the majority of the UK’s emissions. Read the ICE summary and access the report here. While the 2050 target may seem […]

18 Jun 2018

Guardian: Flooding from sea level rise threatens over 300,000 US coastal homes – study Climate change study predicts ‘staggering impact’ of swelling oceans on coastal communities within next 30 years. Sea level rise driven by climate change is set to pose an existential crisis to many US coastal communities, with new research finding that as many as […]

13 Jul 2016

ICE President calls for commitment on infrastructure to lift post-Brexit uncertainty Water Briefing: The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) President, Sir John Armitt says political unity, bold decisions and commitment will help to lift the cloud of uncertainty over the UK’s  infrastructure industry following the outcome of the EU referendum. In an Expert Focus article on […]

30 Jun 2016

Six reactions – articles: Eustace, Amber Rudd, ICE, Angling Trust, Grantham Institute & Client Earth The Threat:   George Eustace – Brexit would free UK from ‘spirit-crushing’ green directives, says minister. Farming minister George Eustice says leave vote would free up £2bn now spent on insurance schemes and incentives for farmers Telegraph Amber Ruud on Climate […]

11 Nov 2015

State of the Nation Scotland: Infrastructure 2015, focuses on the performance, resilience, capacity and condition of Scotland’s infrastructure networks. It also analyses the economic, social and environmental benefits of infrastructure. Through the report ICE Scotland seeks to improve the planning, delivery, operation and regulation of Scotland’s infrastructure. Scotland’s approach to delivering and maintaining infrastructure requires […]