24 Feb 2022

CaBA Agriculture Hub Aims & Objectives  The overall aim of the project is to provide a free to use online data hub that builds upon the existing Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) data package and enables farmers, retailers, CaBA partners (including water companies and NGOs) to more easily identify: Sources of local, environmentally focused farm advice […]

30 Dec 2020

BCP ‘An inspiring new public education destination dedicated to achieving a step-change in the reduction of waste and elimination of single use packaging along Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s beautiful seafront. Funded with £2.4 million from the Coastal Communities Fund, the Durley Environmental Innovation Hub will allow both residents and the millions of visitors that flock to our coastal resort every year, to explore […]

16 Jun 2020

Government approves business case for Pembroke Dock Marine project, allowing plans for major new Marine Energy Test Area to move to next phase Plans to build a world leading marine energy hub on the Welsh coast received a boost this week, after the UK and Welsh government approved the business case for the high profile […]

08 May 2018

Two articles 1.  Agencies sign Memorandum of Understanding as they seek to accelerate development of regions’ nascent marine energy industry Development agencies Marine Energy Wales and Marine Hub Cornwall have this week signed an agreement that will see them collaborate to accelerate the development of the UK’s fledgling wave and tidal energy sector. The two […]

09 Apr 2018

Although coastal communities have their fair share of challenges, not least social deprivation, their unique asset – the sea – offers many possibilities. I once heard Steve Fothergill, of Sheffield Hallam University who had studied the coalfields and coastal communities summarise it like this, ‘nobody wants to visit or retire to the coalfields’. The coast […]

17 May 2017

Smart Water Knowledge Hub Business in the Community has launched a Smart Water Knowledge Hub. This is an online resource that will provide information to businesses on how they can manage water both directly and supply chains. There is a range of media to engage with from bitesize videos and blogs from experts and business […]