A significant international collaboration to support peatland restoration in the North Pennines National Landscape has been  announced by German environmental association, the Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU). The €1.1 million investment will be used to restore valuable peatlands in the North Pennines, helping to promote better global climate regulation. Healthy peatlands are vital for […]

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Groups of farmers will be offered support to work together to store water and protect against the impact of drought through a new fund launched by the government today (Monday 22 April). The £1.6 million fund will be used by farmers to investigate different methods to manage water in their area. Projects could include multi-farm […]

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Innovate UK has announced £1.3 million of funding has been allocated across seven projects in the second stage of £2.1 million government marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) programme. These projects are for the development of complete end-to-end marine monitoring systems and their verification and validation. The Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment Programme is […]

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20 new nature projects across the country will receive funding to create and restore critical habitat areas equivalent in total to the size of York benefitting many species such as water voles and habitats including saltmarshes. Grants of up to £3 million have been awarded to projects run by wildlife charities, farmers, and community groups […]

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Private sector funding for English nature recovery projects took a major step forward today with Lloyds Banking Group becoming the first organisation to provide funding through the government-developed Projects for Nature platform. Projects for Nature (PFN) aims to connect businesses and other donors with 25 English quality nature projects, to help close the nature finance […]

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A letter from the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency (EA), Philip Duffy, outlines the approach the agency will take with increasing inspections of water company assets. He highlights that depending on the outcome of the water quality charges consultation, and securing the funding needed, the EA plans to more than quadruple the number of […]

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Forty projects which will use natural processes such as planting trees and creating wetlands to reduce the risk of flooding are set to benefit from a £25 million government programme, Floods Minister Robbie Moore announced today (Friday 23 February). Part of the government’s plan to increase the nation’s flood resilience, natural flood management processes protect, […]

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The government has announced funding awards to improve lowland peat soils, including over £1.3 million to projects across the North. Peatlands are the country’s largest terrestrial carbon store, however, as a result of centuries of drainage for agriculture, just 1% of England’s lowland peatlands remain in a near-natural state, and these drained peatlands account for […]

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