20 May 2014
09 Apr 2014
EFRA Committee – Evidence on the Winter Storms – Dredging, Maintenance funding etc
EFRA ‘Severe storms and heavy rainfall continue to cause extensive flooding events across the UK, causing disruption and distress to individuals and communities and costing millions. The Committee published a Report on Managing Flood Risk in July 2013 and held an evidence session on the Winter Floods on 22 January 2014. The Committee was deeply […]
25 Mar 2014
Budget – viewpoints on infrastructure, flooding and energy from WSP
Duncan Symonds, head of infrastructure at WSP commented: “Every Budget and Autumn Statement we get some sort of appendix update about the national infrastructure plan and it strikes me that it would be more informative to know which individual government departments are pulling their weight and which are delaying the delivery of important projects. I […]
20 Feb 2014
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is to examine the approach to flood maintenance measures
EFRA ‘ Background Severe storms and heavy rainfall continue to cause extensive flooding events across the UK, causing disruption and distress to individuals and communities and costing millions. The Committee published a Report on Managing Flood Risk in July 2013 and held an evidence session on the Winter Floods on 22 January 2014. The Committee […]
20 Feb 2014
Floods and Dredging – a reality check – New Report – CIWEM & Blueprint for Water
CIWEM / Blueprint for Water ‘Executive summary: The term dredging is routinely used to refer to the systematic removal of accumulated material from river or other watercourse channels. In its most extreme form dredging may be used to re-align river channels creating linear, canalised watercourses. It would be infeasible to dredge channels with the capacity […]
12 Feb 2014
The ‘Scramble for blame serves no-one
This a more considered viewpoint on the way the media have dealt with the current storm and flood events: February 9, 2014 by Simon Dixon The River Management Blog The flooding blighting much of the UK has dominated the news now for two weeks and shows little sign of abating for the next 7-10 days. […]
12 Feb 2014
The problem with blame …. Cameron seeks to calm Minister’s squabbles
Unlike the floods in 2007 Government Minister’s and most recently Eric Pickles at the weekend have sought to blame and denigrate the very people and organisation who they expecting to deal with the ongoing emergency and who they are decimating with funding cuts. The Eric Pickles quote on the Andrew Marr programme reached an all […]
12 Feb 2014
Current Storms consistent with Climate change – New Report – Met Office & CEH
Meteorological Office (Met Office) and the UK Centre of Ecology and Hydrology: ‘Britain’s recent unusually stormy winter weather and flooding is “consistent” with global warming, according to a new report out from the UK Meteorological Office (Met Office) and the UK Centre of Ecology and Hydrology. The report suggests there is evidence for increased North […]