The Scottish Government and teams have published a paper detailing the positive results of targeted protection for the critically endangered flapper skate within a Marine Protected Area (MPA). Evidence informed MPAs The Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura MPA was established in 2014 with fisheries measures, such as fisheries closures and fishing gear restrictions, […]

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The Red Rocks and Longay Marine Protected Area (MPA), in the Inner Sound of Skye will be permanently designated from 9 February 2023, protecting a flapper skate egg-laying site of national importance from various activities. These include certain types of fishing, recreational sea angling, marine deposit sites/waste disposal, aquaculture, marine infrastructure and anchoring, amongst others. […]

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Population numbers of a critically endangered fish could be improved thanks to a new partnership between an electricity company and a marine conservation group, the Independent reported. The flapper skate, which is normally found in north-east Atlantic waters, is the largest known skate the world. They are considered a critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation […]

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A consultation has been launched to gather views on making a Marine Protected Area (MPA) which is protecting the critically endangered flapper skate in the Inner Sound of Skye, permanent. The Red Rocks and Longay Marine Protected Area (MPA) was urgently designated in March 2021, following discovery of the largest flapper skate nursery area in […]

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