27 Apr 2016

Martin Brocklehurst: ‘Have you picked up the EU Fitness Review of Monitoring and Reporting – I missed it till a few days ago?  Virtually every environmental directive could be affected. It could be very significant in the sense that measuring the effectiveness of EU Directives is crucial to knowing if they are working.’ EU.  ‘In […]

26 Apr 2016

Martin Brocklehurst: ‘Have you picked up the EU Fitness Review of Monitoring and Reporting – I missed it till a few days ago?  Virtually every environmental directive could be affected. It could be very significant in the sense that measuring the effectiveness of EU Directives is crucial to knowing if they are working.’ EU: ‘In […]

07 Dec 2015

Fitness check conference outcomes: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/fitness_check/conference_en.htm  The draft document on the consultation of the fitness check on the Habitat & Birds Directive http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/fitness_check/docs/consultation/Fitness%20Check%20final%20draft%20emerging%20findings%20report.pdf  Commentary from IUCN 25 November 2015 | News story  The EU Nature Directives are effective, coherent, relevant and fit for purpose, but insufficient  implementation remains a serious issue, and must be stepped up […]