English and Irish organisations are looking for boats owners to participate in Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) trials. REM is a technology that allows for the remote monitoring of fishing vessels, providing valuable information on fishing activity and compliance with regulative requirements.     Devon and Severn The Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority […]

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Under the Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Regulations 2023, UK-registered fishing vessels will be allowed to target picked / spiny dogfish (spurdog) as of 01 April 2023 in both UK and EU waters. Following ICES advice that the Northeast Atlantic spurdog stock is recovering and can support a significant level of landings for 2023 and 2024. Under […]

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Fishers and vessel owners in Wales will be able to apply to a £400,000 fund from 3 April to adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions for seafood products, Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has announced. The support is from the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) which is co-financed by the Welsh Government and the […]

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Kittiwakes, puffins and razorbills are some of England’s most treasured seabirds that could benefit from proposed measures to ban sandeel fishing, Defra has announced today (Tuesday 7 March). Sandeels are small, eel like fish that are a vital food source to vulnerable seabirds, commercially important fish species such as haddock and whiting, and sea mammals […]

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Fishers on the 440 under-10m vessels subject to an annual quota cap will not face the limitation for the remainder of 2023 following a decision by Defra and Marine Management Organisation (MMO). These vessels will now be able to fish up to the monthly limits in the same way as all other under-10m vessels that […]

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Marine researchers with the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research have discovered that large quantities of mackerel pressed together in a fish net can affect the fish’s quality. A new study from the Institute of Marine Research (HI) shows that fish vitality is a good measure of welfare. The marine scientists found this out by combining […]

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