Since 2023, the Our Seas Coalition has been collating testimonies from across Scotland of people’s first-hand experiences and local knowledge of Scotland’s inshore Seas ahead of its touring “Coastal Testimonies” exhibition. The exhibition involved gathering testimonies and portrait photographs from individuals from around Scotland including commercial fishers, skippers, sea anglers, politicians, naturalists, scientists, local businesses, […]

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New Legislation comes into force which aims to help ensure cockle fisheries in Wales remain environmentally sustainable and economically viable for the future.  The Cockle Fishing Management and Permitting (Specified Area) (Wales) Order 2024 will simplify regulations and give the Welsh Government new tools to flexibly manage each cockle fishery in response to evidence about […]

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The European Parliamentary Research Service has released a comprehensive study titled “Exploring the viability of innovative fishing technologies as an alternative to bottom trawling in European marine protected areas.” Fisheries in Europe’s marine environment use different types of mobile and static fishing gears that come into contact with the seabed, including mobile bottom-contacting gears (MBCGs) […]

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Global projections of exploitable fish biomass show declines of more than 10 percent, particularly under the high-emissions scenario, by mid-century for many regions of the world, said the report Climate change risks to marine ecosystems and fisheries: Projections to 2100 from the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project. Decline for top fish producer nations […]

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Ocean advocacy groups have criticised the US Supreme Court for overturning the “Chevron doctrine,” under which federal courts would defer to an agency’s interpretation of ambiguous legal terms when Congress has given that agency authority to implement the law. The Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote killed a legal precedent known as the “Chevron deference”. The deference, […]

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Ocean and Coastal Futures (OCF) brought together leading fishing industry representatives for another live online event which provided an opportunity to discuss the priorities that a new UK Government could consider. Panellists highlighted what they would like to see from a new government. It was an opportunity to weigh up what difference the general election result […]

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On the 20th of June, the European Commission launched a consultation to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the common fisheries policy (CFP). This consultation constitutes the first part of a thorough evaluation that will look at how the CFP has achieved its objectives since 2013, including: the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture, the […]

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