30 Jun 2020

Belfast zero emission ferry project among £400m UK government funding winners – Business Green A Belfast-based project to develop zero emission, high-speed ferries in Northern Ireland was among the winners of over £400m in green research and development funding announced by the UK government today. The 13-partner syndicate – which includes Artemis Technologies, Bombardier and […]

21 Oct 2019

The UK’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science is due to publish a study according to which pulse trawling, also known as electric fishing, kills off more than half of the seabed species, while traditional fishing methods only impact 21%. EURACTIV’s partner le Journal de l’Environnement reports. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science […]

18 Feb 2019

Defra ‘Fisheries Minister George Eustice announced yesterday that EU vessels will no longer be able to carry out electric pulse fishing in UK waters after Brexit. Meanwhile Europeans reach a complex deal that sees the Dutch pulse fishing fleet reduced. Pulse trawling is a controversial fishing method that uses electrical signals to drive flat fish, such as […]

29 Jan 2018

By: Samuel Stone Date posted: 26 January 2018 Marine Conservation Society The use of electricity in the marine environment is currently banned under EU technical regulations, but a series of derogations for scientific and data collection purposes have made it possible for (primarily) the Dutch to roll out the electric pulse fishing method on a large scale over […]

14 Jan 2018

This is a Governance shambles where a derogation has been applied to 100+ Dutch vessels against EU policies banning such practice. This CFP’s version of ‘scientific whaling’. EIA for fisheries are needed before major technology changes are subsidised. European Vote prompts this flurry of interest Electric pulse fishing: The Commission has warmed to electric pulse […]

02 Oct 2017

Pity no EIA approach exists for fisheries – the ultimate disruptive business     In Silicon Valley they call this the disruptive business model. Your change the world first, think Uber and Airbnb, then let the regulators play catch-up. The fishing industry have been doing this for years destroying the environment and species populations first and then […]