Up to £11 million in water company fines and penalties will be reinvested back into a new Water Restoration Fund (WRF), Environment Secretary Steve Barclay announced this week. All water company environmental fines and penalties since April 2022 have been ringfenced to directly improve the water environment. The Water Restoration Fund will offer grant funding […]

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The Office for Environmental Protection is investigating the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Secretary of State (SoS) and Natural England over possible failures to comply with environmental law in relation to Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for wild birds, it has announced. The investigation will seek to determine whether Defra SoS and Natural […]

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The government has announced that fast-tracked investment of £180m over the next 12 months is expected to prevent more than 8,000 sewage spills polluting English waterways. According to Defra, it follows the Secretary of State directing water and sewage companies last December to measurably reduce sewage spills over the next year by accelerating commitments and delivering new […]

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Marine and coastal sociocultural values review – Research wanted   Ecologos Research, in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, is currently undertaking a structured review of social and cultural values of UK marine and coastal ecosystems as part of Defra’s Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme. We would like to invite you to submit […]

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Defra’s Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme is currently undertaking a structured review of social and cultural values of UK marine and coastal ecosystems. Ecologos Research are undertaking the review, in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory. They are asking the marine and coastal social science and arts and humanities community to submit links to relevant studies and […]

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The Secretary of State must prepare a statutory report into the conduct and operation of the ten Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA’s) every four years, which must be laid before Parliament. This third report covers the period from September 2018 to September 2022.  The report will assess the IFCA’s against their five high level […]

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On behalf of Defra, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are administrating the final round of the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS). Projects developing England’s catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and those enhancing the marine environment can now apply to access the FaSS pot of £6 million match funding. The funding is available for both new […]

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