17 Nov 2015

Defra spending  Economists at RSPB & The Wildlife Trusts say Defra is being hit with the biggest cuts http://www.rspb.org.uk/news/409659-rspb-and-the-wildlife-trusts-criticise-decision-to-cut-funding-for-environment-by-up-to-40?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=News  ADAS – research collaborations being cut https://www.fginsight.com/news/defra-starts-pulling-the-plug-on-research-projects-as-spending-cuts-bite-7783 The Environmental Audit Committee has commissioned the National Audit Office to audit the Treasury’s Spending Review process for its environmental impact.  Statement from the Chair Environmental Audit Committee Chair, […]

02 Nov 2015

Fishing Focus Issue 38 Although this issue is dominated by fuller explanations of the Demersal landings obligation there are also updates from Defra on: Bass fishing Marine Licensing Inshore fishing activities Fisheries management in MPAs Implications of climate change The MMO Marine Information system To read this go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/fishing-focus-issue-38-autumn-2015?cm_mid=5109943&cm_crmid=00abff55-f721-e311-a13d-00155d00012f&cm_medium=email  

08 Oct 2015

This is response begins to clarify how Ministers are thinking about the Spending Review. Farming Guardian ‘Farming Minister George Eustice has insisted there is no truth in the rumour Defra could be disbanded this autumn, but has shed new light on how it will respond to budget cuts, including recovering more of its costs. To […]

08 Oct 2015

Defra ‘The Government’s commitment to sustainable agriculture and improving the environment is delivered through a range of tools, initiatives and best practice. These aim to protect and improve the water environment and support competitive agriculture. We need a combination of different actions to tackle agricultural diffuse pollution of water effectively.  Some action will happen as […]

30 Sep 2015

Elizabeth Truss speech to Wildlife & Countryside Link (Sept 15th) https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/elizabeth-truss-speech-to-the-wildlife-and-countryside-link  This speech at the meeting which saw the launch of the Blueprint for Water’s vision   The speech is a very strange mix of the well-trodden Government path of supporting all things farming and economic with very little mention of nature conservation. It highlighted a […]

30 Jul 2015

This issue covers:   John Robb’s retirement – Tanya Arkle is the interim Director Protecting Bass Sustainable fishing and MSY An update on scallop management Update on the discard ban Seafish’s Corporate plan   Contact russ.greenwood@defra.gsi.gov.uk to sign up