19 Nov 2019

Guardian ‘The Conservative party’s record on tackling the climate crisis has been condemned by leading scientists and former government advisers, as the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, warned that the forthcoming election was the last chance to halt the escalating emergency. Experts accused the Conservatives of copying rightwing politicians in the US by deliberately weakening environmental protections. Meanwhile, analysis […]

01 Oct 2019

As party conference season ends, Conservative plans for achieving their net-zero pledge to end carbon emissions by 2050 have been roundly criticised. They include a promise of a plant to deliver zero-carbon energy from nuclear fusion by 2040 – even though most experts believe achieving the dream is still 30 years away, as well as […]

24 May 2017

Running Order:    Greener UK Hustings – Conservative manifesto commitments – CPRE & Green Alliance Assessments of the Manifestos – Energy – Marine   1. The GreenerUK Hustings: May 30th https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/greener-uk-hustings-tickets-34567642750 A rare thing politicians discussing the environment! 2. The Conservative Party manifesto – link:   https://www.conservatives.com/manifesto   Check for yourselves Bob Earll ‘It seems to be a fair […]

22 May 2017

The Conservative Party manifesto – link:   https://www.conservatives.com/manifesto  Check for yourselves Bob Earll ‘It seems to be a fair assumption that the Conservatives will return to Government after the election. It is also very clear since the publication of the Conservative manifesto that Theresa May is breaking away from many aspects of thinking of the Cameron […]

07 Sep 2016

The Guardian reports a letter from 36 MPs that urges Theresa May to redirect billions of pounds of post-Brexit subsidies towards environmental and public services. Dozens of Conservative MPs have written to the Prime Minister, Theresa May, urging her to shift billions of pounds of post-Brexit farm subsidies towards protecting and improving the environment. The […]