25 Jan 2022

MMO grants marine licence to marine development project following collaboration and joint working. MMO ‘Last month the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) granted a marine licence to Associated British Ports (ABP) for the development of the Lowestoft Eastern Energy Facility (LEEF). This followed a period of collaboration and joint working, beginning in November 2020, when ABP […]

28 Jun 2021

The Coastal Concordat for England Setting out how regulatory bodies can co-ordinate the separate processes for coastal development consents in England. The coastal concordat sets out the separate processes for consenting coastal developments in England. This revised version replaces the original published on 11 November 2013. It supports decision-making between Local Authorities and those regulators […]

17 Dec 2019

Setting out how regulatory bodies can co-ordinate the separate processes for coastal development consents in England. The coastal concordat sets out the separate processes for consenting coastal developments in England. This revised version replaces the original published on 11 November 2013. It supports decision-making between Local Authorities and those regulators who work in the marine […]