Nearly a fifth of Scotland’s coastline is at risk of erosion, threatening some of the country’s most prized land and infrastructure within the next 30 years. The potentially devastating effects of climate change and coastal erosion came to light after experts from the Scottish Government, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the University of Glasgow studied […]

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Environment Agency   Last updated:    29 June 2017, see all updates How to assess the impact of your activity in estuarine (transitional) and coastal waters for the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The guidance is called Clearing the Waters for All. Contents Carry out your WFD assessment in stages Screening: exclude activities from scoping Scoping: identify risks to receptors […]

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Funding of £4.3m is to be shared between projects aimed at regenerating Scottish coastal communities. The money from the Coastal Communities Fund will go towards 18 schemes designed to boost tourism, create jobs and grow the economy. Among the grants is: £300,000 towards 64 miles of coastal paths at the Rhins of Galloway in south […]

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DCLG     ‘Over 30 exciting new projects set to create new jobs, attract tourists and boost economic growth. Communities up and down the coast are set to benefit from a £40 million cash boost, Sajid Javid announced today (3 April 2017). Piers, promenades and coastal paths are some of over 30 exciting new projects set to create […]

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LWEC – Taking the threat of coastal surges into account in planning for the future With climate change towns, cities and energy infrastructure in the UK’s coastal zone are under increasing threat from sea-level rise and intermittent storms. Storm surges are particularly dangerous due to their extreme water level and large waves. Strengthening and raising […]

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