A new initiative launched in the margins of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, will support Commonwealth ocean states in cultivating and scaling-up projects that protect the marine environment while also tackling climate change. With 47 out of 54 Commonwealth countries bordering the sea – including 25 small island developing states or […]

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WWF  UK farming and nature must not be ‘an afterthought’ in Government plans to tackle climate change Landmark report highlights untapped extra potential of sustainable farming, which could deliver emissions cuts equivalent to taking an extra 900,000 cars off the road. WWF urges UK governments to get behind farmers shifting towards nature-friendly approaches to tackling […]

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2022: The Year of Climate Adaptation Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency speech to the Coastal Futures conference “Thank you for inviting me to speak at this year’s Coastal Futures conference. In 1953, 307 lives were lost on land and more than 177 people were lost at sea in the east coast surge. […]

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Business Green: Chatham House speech by Alok Sharma since UN Climate Conference will see Minister call on countries to set aside geopolitical tensions to tackle climate goals. COP26 President Alok Sharma has this morning urged countries to deliver on the promises they made at the COP26 Climate Summit, warning the commitments set out in the […]

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Alok Sharma, Climate summit president, makes clear UK net zero agenda is responsibility of all government colleagues Tackling the climate crisis must be a whole government effort or risk the Cop26 climate summit becoming “just a bunch of meaningless promises”, the cabinet minister who chaired the UN summit has said. Alok Sharma, who acted as president for […]

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