15 Mar 2017

CEH The Catchment Management Modelling Platform (CaMMP) which was launched on 9 March 2017 at an event hosted by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in London. A web-based platform the CaMMP project aims to improve access to and integration between data and models that help address key questions in catchment management for water quality […]

11 Jan 2017

A new £6 million project led by the University of Leeds is predicted to bring a £50 million benefit to the Yorkshire economy by reducing the costs and impact of water-related threats to the region.  Bringing together partners from across the region and using existing research funded by NERC the team will look to join […]

23 Nov 2016

Severn Trent Water reopens environmental scheme for farmers – STEPS – £21 million Severn Trent Water is reopening its environmental scheme for farmers in the Midlands, offering them another opportunity to apply for a grant to help them to protect local watercourses from pollution. The STW catchment team is launching two new farmer support schemes as […]

10 Nov 2016

Four reactions to EFRA Committee report    Bob Earll  The scale of the events: In the face of three major winter storm – flood events in 2012, 2013-14 and 2015-16 – billion pound storms – MPs clearly felt the need to speak out. These events are becoming almost normal and they are characterised not by just […]

26 Oct 2016

EU funding secured for partnership initiative to increase flood resilience The National Flood Forum, in partnership with the Rivers Trust, have secured funding to work together to reduce flood risk in parts of the UK. The aim is to understand and reduce residual flood risk through a combination of measures.  In the case of the […]

28 Jul 2016

The DTC Spring/Summer 2016 Newsletter which comprises short articles on the following topics: The Eden DTC in December 2015 – The wettest month on record and a sign of things to come? Winter floods in the Eden: Action Planning A bad winter for run-off and erosion Putting a value on soil loss Soil erosion and landslides in […]

28 Jul 2016

Catchment partnership guide   ‘As part of the WaterLIFE project (waterlife.org.uk) we have produced a how to guide which collates some of the lessons and experiences we’ve had over the past two years working in three catchments across England and Wales. The guide includes the essential steps to getting a partnership started and making it successful. […]