10 Sep 2018

Carbon Brief: ‘The BBC, one of the world’s largest and most respected news organisations, has issued formal guidance to its journalists on how to report climate change. Carbon Brief has obtained the internal four-page “crib sheet” sent yesterday to BBC journalists via an email from Fran Unsworth, the BBC’s director of news and current affairs. […]

14 Jan 2018

1.  UK could face harsher and more frequent winter storms   Carbon Brief reports on a new study, which finds that the UK could face harsher and more frequent winter storms if global emissions aren’t curbed. The research uses modelling to investigate how rising global temperatures could change the movements of mid-latitude storms by the end […]

24 May 2017

Carbon Brief has produced an interactive map showing where £4.4 billion of flood protection over the current five year period will be spent in England. It reveals that the south-east, which has around 32% of England’s population, will receive 60% of the government’s planned funding. 2015-2016 Annual report EA Erosion & Flood Risk Management https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/611614/National_Flood_Risk_Report_LIT_10517.pdf […]