MCS ‘ We held the official launch of our Blue Carbon Champions group in Parliament. With one week to go before the long-anticipated COP26 Climate Change Conference is due to kick off in Glasgow, the time has never been more fitting to spark some optimism for the opportunities that our seas can offer. We are working […]

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Last week UK Government launched it’s long awaited Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener which has huge implications for society and for the marine environment. Since publication there have been a number of critical reviews by organisations very well versed in this field. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has issued an initial response to the […]

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Blog by Dr Peter Matthews, past president of CIWEM and former Chair of Natural Resources Wales COP26 is fast approaching, bringing with it – we hope – all the attention and urgency the climate crisis requires. We see it in the news, we read it in IPCC reports – but it’s not (exclusively) through academic […]

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RYA env & sustainability The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) has recently sent out a detailed set of information about its commitment to sustainability and environment and climate change action. This is a clear statement about its intentions which relate to a very important group of recreational users who can be advocates for greater action […]

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