01 Apr 2019

Bob Earll   ‘The Guardian has run an article on impact of the French bass fishery on bycatch of dolphins and strandings on French beaches. The strandings network run by Cornwall Wildlife Trust have also registered increased dolphin strandings over the last few years. I covered this a few weeks ago when Sea Shepherd released images […]

12 Mar 2019

Sea Shepard monitors French bass fishing fleet and the bycatch of dolphins Seas Shepard ‘Despite efforts by commercial fishing vessels to hide evidence that their nets are killing dolphins off the Atlantic coast of France, on the night of Tuesday February 19thSea Shepherd captured images of dead dolphins being hauled onboard two trawlers fishing in […]

08 May 2018

Hookpod: Four years ago we sought public help to develop Hookpod; an invention for fisheries that’s small in size and cost, but big in innovation.  Hookpod has huge potential for saving albatrosses and marine turtles from becoming accidentally caught and killed in pelagic longline fisheries.   We now know Hookpod is the answer for birds and […]