25 Jan 2022

2022: The Year of Climate Adaptation Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency speech to the Coastal Futures conference “Thank you for inviting me to speak at this year’s Coastal Futures conference. In 1953, 307 lives were lost on land and more than 177 people were lost at sea in the east coast surge. […]

09 Dec 2021

Aligning climate finance  for an equitable & sustainable net zero future – COP26 Universities Network Briefing Managing the climate crisis and pensions Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency speaking at the Investment & Pensions Europe Conference & Awards, 2 December 2021 This year, the IPE conference and awards comes hot on the heels […]

08 Aug 2019

Your editorial (“Filthy Business”, 3 August) and coverage of the state of England’s rivers is wrong on most counts except one. Let me give you the facts. Water quality in our rivers is now better than at any time since the start of the Industrial Revolution. All over the country, salmon and otter have returned […]

14 May 2019

The Draft National Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England consultation has been making all the headlines with a call for renewed investment at £1billion a year in FRM and the possible need to move vulnerable communities in the event of climate change threats.  These ideas were elaborated in high profile speech by […]

09 May 2019

Environment Agency calls for urgent action to protect country from river and coastal floods Entire communities might need to be moved away from coasts and rivers as the UK takes urgent action to prepare for an average global temperature rise of 4C, the Environment Agency warned. The agency said on Thursday that difficult decisions would have to […]

06 May 2019

Systems Thinking in Government: Defra Launches Systems Research Programme Ian Boyd Defra – ‘This programme breaks new ground by taking a “systems-thinking” approach to understanding the key policy questions across the Defra group. Defra manages different systems such as the food, water, waste, land use or marine. These systems involve many components which interact in defined […]

25 Apr 2018

EA Chair Emma Howard Boyd calls for courts to make fines for water pollution proportionate to companies’ turnover. The Chair of the Environment Agency has called for courts to make fines for water pollution incidents proportionate to the companies’ turnover, saying that the water companies are responsible for “at least one serious pollution incident every week.”  […]