29 Sep 2020

The United Nations Summit on Biodiversity on 30 September 2020 will highlight the crisis facing humanity from the degradation of biodiversity and the urgent need to accelerate action on biodiversity for sustainable development. In advance of the Summit, France, Germany and UK were among more than 60 countries promising to put wildlife and climate at heart […]

22 Sep 2020

Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) is the flagship publication of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It is a periodic report that summarizes the latest data on the status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions relevant to the further implementation of the Convention. GBO-5 provides  global summary of progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and […]

29 Jul 2020

World Fish Migration Foundation ‘Populations of migratory river fish around the world have plunged by a “catastrophic” 76% since 1970, an analysis has found. The fall was even greater in Europe at 93%, and for some groups of fish, with sturgeon and eel populations both down by more than 90%. Species such as salmon, trout and giant […]

26 May 2020

The threat to biodiversity is no less than posed by climate change – the cuts to UKs conservation budgets over the last decade have fundamentally weakened our ability to restore biodiversity.  The government has allocated £15m in additional funding to Natural England for this financial year after a decade of cuts that have left England’s wildlife agency […]

26 May 2020

EU ‘ BIODIVERSITY – THE NEED FOR URGENT ACTION From the world’s great rainforests to small parks and gardens, from the blue whale to microscopic fungi, biodiversity is the extraordinary variety of life on Earth. We humans are part of, and fully dependent on, this web of life: it gives us the food we eat, […]

24 May 2020

The EU Biodiversity Strategy ’Bringing nature back into our lives’ is part of the European Green Deal, the roadmap for making the EU’s economy more sustainable. The strategy proposes actions and commitments to halt biodiversity loss in Europe and worldwide by 2030. Click here They include: Establishing a larger EU-wide network of protected areas on […]

15 Mar 2020

Seagrass, which is found in shallow waters of coastal regions, has been declining globally at a rate of about 7% a year since 1990. In the UK, upto 92% of the plant may have disappeared from around our coasts in the last century. A seagrass restoration project is underway in south Wales in a bid […]

05 Jan 2020

Posted on 30 December, 2019 by Green Alliance blog  This post is by Tony Juniper CBE, chair of Natural England and Emma Howard Boyd, chair of the Environment Agency. As we start the New Year, it’s clear that 2020 is our last chance to bring the world together to take decisive action on climate change, to protect our […]