’30by30′ is a commitment in the Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at the COP15 biodiversity summit last December, whereby “30% of areas of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and marine and coastal ecosystems are under effective restoration.” Defra has outlined its approach to how the target on land in England will be met. This includes a set […]

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Defra has published a suite of guidance to support the (delayed) introduction of biodiversity net gain (BNG) becoming mandatory. They include: The statutory biodiversity metric tool and user guide The tool allows the calculation of biodiversity value for the purpose of BNG for major developments.  The user guide has the information needed to use the statutory biodiversity […]

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Defra has published draft versions of the biodiversity gain plan template and guidance documents for developers and for local planning authorities. These will aid preparation for the commencement of BNG, which is now due to start from January 2024.

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From Make Water Famous A study in England has found that freshwater macro-invertebrate richness has increased over the past 30 years, indicating a positive trend in biodiversity. Aquatic macro-invertebrates are insects in their nymph and larval stages, that spend at least part of their lives in water. They play a large role in freshwater ecosystems […]

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The Westminster government has announced that the introduction of mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) in England has been delayed from November until January for larger sites developed through the town and country planning system, and April 2024 for small sites. BNG will not be mandatory for national infrastructure projects until 2025. The delay has not […]

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The State of Nature 2023 report shows that wildlife decline continues at an alarming rate in the UK. The report collates data from wildlife and reporting schemes to paint a comprehensive picture of biodiversity loss. The report finds a 19% average decline in UK species and one in six species at risk of extinction. The […]

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Reported in the Guardian, pollution from treated and untreated sewage is the greatest threat to river biodiversity, causing more damage than runoff from farms, according to research. There is a need for more regulation of water companies and improvements at their treatment plans to protect rivers, say the authors of the study. The research from […]

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This week saw the publication of the long-awaited Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations and guidance. Following from the success of the TCFD, which has helped expand and standardise the disclosure of climate risks around the world, the TNFD can empower organisations to understand their impacts and dependencies on nature. According to the TNFD: The […]

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