25 May 2018

An analysis of the economic impacts of ocean acidification on shellfish fisheries and aquaculture in the UK estimates total loss to UK economy between £23-£88 million. This equates to annual economic losses of between £3-6 billion of UKs GDP in 2013 for medium and high emission scenarios. There are regional variations due to different patterns […]

02 Oct 2017

Bob Earll: Two articles below on the thinking for offshore mussel culture in the south coast of Devon and the changes on biodiversity. The issue is one of scale and there is a huge difference between a small scale operation and one the size of ‘Heathrow airport’. The scale of this development poses a number […]

31 Aug 2017

Call for Proposals – September 2017 The Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for research and development projects in the following areas: SARFSP011 – Closed Containment Sea Pen Production for some life stages of salmonids SARFSP012 – Bath Dispersion Model SARF113 – Marine Licensing Further details of the […]

30 Aug 2017

Future of the sea: trends in aquaculture  This report summarises the evidence for current and future trends in the UK aquaculture sector. It explores: the current state of the industry the challenges and opportunities for growth drivers of change including climate change, costs of production, and technological advancements scenarios for the future development of the […]

30 May 2017

Two articles: The first a report on the possibilities for aquaculture in the Swansea Tidal Lagoon. From another perspective as the title reflects it is a valuable review of the aquaculture options that could be applied to any of UK’s enclosed or sheltered coastal water bodies since it covers a wide array of current technologies […]

15 Jun 2016

EU Guidance on meeting WFD and MSFD requirements for the Aquaculture Sector This strategic guidance builds on a series of workshops that looked at the relationship between the aquaculture sector and the Water Framework and Marine Strategy. The overall aim is to facilitate the development of a sustainable aquaculture sector. Case studies are provided. Click […]