05 Jul 2022

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture aims to provide objective, reliable and up-to-date information to a wide audience – policymakers, managers, scientists, stakeholders and indeed everyone interested in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The 2022 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture coincides with the launch of the Decade of Action to […]

10 May 2022

The next steps in reforming Scotland’s aquaculture regulatory system have been outlined by the Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon. Speaking at an industry sector conference in Aviemore, Ms Gougeon announced the formation of a consenting task group to make rapid progress on streamlining the aquaculture consenting system. This includes making a change to the marine […]

10 May 2022

The Scottish Association for Marine Science celebrated further seaweed success at this year’s Aquaculture Awards after the co-ordinator of the newly launched Seaweed Academy picked up one of the top awards. Rhianna Rees was jointly awarded the Rising Star award at the ceremony in Aviemore alongside Andre Van of Kames Fish Farm. The award comes a week after […]

01 Mar 2022

A new report outlining future options for the Scottish seaweed industry has been welcomed by Scottish Government ministers. Sustainability of the sector is key to any future development, with harvesting of some kelp species already banned. The global seaweed industry is estimated to be worth €8.1 billion per year, with Asia dominating the cultivated seaweed […]

06 Apr 2021

Animals and Wildlife (Scotland) Act, included a ban on licensed shooting of seals to protect farmed salmon within aquaculture facilities. Also included within the Act (Section 15) was a requirement on the Scottish Parliament to report on the aquaculture sectors use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs). ADDs emit sound with the intention of scaring away […]

19 May 2020

For an excellent overview of the topic ‘oceans and climate change’ Click here to watch  the recently uploaded Society of Underwater Technology 30min WebinAir by Prof Ralph Rayner. He reviews the science, sets out some options for response, such as the immensely challenging geoengineering proposals and makes an urgent call for action in the coming […]

28 Apr 2020

15th April 2020 Devon & Severn IFCA have carried out a three-year comprehensive review of the live wrasse fishery. A fishery for live wrasse emerged in the D&S IFCA’s District in 2015, in which a small number of commercial fishers target ballan, goldsinny, corkwing and rock cook wrasse. These fish are caught for use as cleaner […]