10 Jan 2024

The Red Cross has recognised the dangers of flooding to people and properties, highlighting how millions of people in the UK live and work in areas at risk of flooding. This useful resource sets out: How to prepare for a flood What to do during a flood What to do after a flood There is […]

27 Apr 2021

EA New advice for farmers – Green crops & Cambridge Successful cover crops scheme expanded  Cambridge and Affinity Water are pleased to announce that our novel cover crops scheme has been a success again this year. The joint initiative, launched last summer, captured 40 tonnes of nitrogen over 800 hectares which may otherwise have leached […]

09 Nov 2019

Scotland’s fisheries minister has warned of an ‘extremely challenging picture’ for next year’s fishing opportunities, particularly for whitefish stocks. fishingnews.co.uk/news/extremely… ICES – 8/11/2019  We have just released updates to some North Sea fish stock advice, which were originally published in June (1/2) Cod: ices.dk/sites/pub/Publ… Haddock: ices.dk/sites/pub/Publ… Norway lobster (nephrops): ices.dk/sites/pub/Publ…

30 Apr 2019

Natural England has provided supplementary material to support understanding of the comprehensive evidence behind the components of the Conservation Advice for Marine Protected Areas. Contained within the table are a series of guidance videos Marine Protected Areas. Contained within the table are a series of guidance videos, FAQs, glossary and supporting material to aid users […]

16 Apr 2018

Our seas have a brilliant variety of marine life and habitats, many of which are rare and nationally important. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) has developed a new approach to its UK offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) conservation advice. The revised approach provides more detailed advice and information to operators and regulators, supporting management […]

29 Dec 2017

From: Dr Rebekah Cioffi, JNCC  Updated offshore MPA conservation advice packages published Our seas have a brilliant variety of marine life and habitats, many of which are rare and nationally important. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) has developed a new approach to its UK offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) conservation advice. The revised approach […]