Marine Ripple   ‘The British public’s belief in the reality of climate change and its human causes is now at its highest since 2005, according to ESRC-funded research. The research team, led by Professor Nick Pidgeon at Cardiff University’s School of Psychology, set out to understand how the British public had responded to the flooding last […]

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ABPmer:  ‘The Natural Capital Committee published its third State of Natural Capital report on 27 January 2015.  It recommends that Government, working closely with the private sector and NGOs should develop a comprehensive strategy to protect and improve natural capital. The report, prepared by eftec, presents a series of potential environmental investments that offer good economic […]

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Blogpost by Sofia Tsenikli – 26 January, 2015 at 16:30  Greenpeace  ‘It is time for Ocean Lovers worldwide to celebrate! After years of political foot-dragging, and four hectic days of negotiations at the United Nations, a breakthrough came in the wee hours of Saturday morning, 24 January: governments around the world agreed to develop a […]

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Defra ‘Defra has published a consultation on the second tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). We are proposing 23 new Marine Conservation Zones in English inshore and offshore waters. You can find further information about responding to the consultation in this letter. You can find the consultation document and supporting information including details of individual sites […]

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Defra, the Northern Ireland executive, the Scottish government and the Welsh government are seeking views on the UK’s proposed programme of measures to maintain or achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in their seas by 2020. The consultation covers programme of measures proposals for each of the 11 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) descriptors. These relate […]

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This composite article reflects a very busy period in the fracking debate. Updates include the Scottish vote for a moratorium and the Lancashire County Council decision to delay a development decision with the EAC report being published, including ex Tory Environment Ministers supporting a ban, a vote in the commons on the Infrastructure Bill, and a decision awaited […]

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UK Gvt: ‘The proposed bill would improve how we fund, plan, manage and maintain our national infrastructure. The Infrastructure Bill would provide a £3.9 billion boost to the economy over the next 10 years by: improving the funding and management of our major roads streamlining the planning process for major projects protecting our infrastructure from […]

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Defra: ‘A consultation to prepare for the demersal discard ban in January 2016 has now launched. Ensuring our fishermen can financially benefit from the second phase of the discard ban, which will end the wasteful practice that sees good fish thrown overboard, is the subject of a consultation launched today by Fisheries Minister George Eustice. […]

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