04 May 2014

DECC  ‘Eight major renewable electricity projects, including 5 offshore wind farm projects, were recently unveiled as part of the government’s world leading electricity reforms, giving a massive boost to green growth and green jobs. Eight major renewable electricity projects are unveiled as part of the government’s world leading electricity reforms, giving a massive boost to […]

04 May 2014

Defra Water Forum: We are writing to alert you to the publication of the following two documents: Draft updated statutory ministerial guidance to the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales. New and updated environmental standards to be used by the Agencies in classifying water bodies and setting objectives for the updated River Basin Management Plans. […]

28 Apr 2014

Water Online:  With a multitude of new technologies and tools coming to the market each year, it can be hard for water industry professionals to decide what they need.  But there is one tool that every wastewater and water treatment operator, engineer, and facility manager should have — and it’s small enough to fit in […]

28 Apr 2014

Maureen Gaines Editor, WET News    The Cyclicality Working Group has been working away behind the scenes to eradicate the negative side of the five-yearly AMP cycles. Communication and innovation are key to the process going forward. I have been talking to the group’s chair, Richard Coackley, to find out more.   The Cyclicality Working Group were […]

28 Apr 2014

MMO ‘This report Review of environmental data associated with post-consent monitoring of licence conditions of offshore wind farms (MMO 1031)examines outcomes and conclusions from monitoring regimes undertaken as a result of statutory requirements imposed on developers of offshore wind farms (OWFs) in UK waters through consent conditions. Consent conditions are typically developed between the regulator […]

28 Apr 2014

EC ‘The European Parliament has endorsed a Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning which should help Member States develop plans to better coordinate the various activities that take place at sea, ensuring they are as efficient and sustainable as possible.   In coastal and maritime areas, many activities compete for the same space and resources: fishing […]

28 Apr 2014

 Routledge is pleased to publish a range of titles which look at marine and water issues, our most recent titles can be viewed here and a selection of titles are highlighted below. Governing Marine Protected Areas In this innovative volume, the author addresses some important challenges related to the effective and equitable governance of marine […]