27 May 2014

The Rivers Trust, the umbrella body of the rivers trust movement, is celebrating World Fish Migration Day (24th May) by announcing completion of its’ £8.3m River Improvement Fund Programme. The River Improvement Fund Programme, in partnership with Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) and in collaboration with the Environment Agency, has been delivered […]

24 May 2014

The approaches to sustainability take many named forms – One Planet Living – ICZM – The Ecosystems Approach. Government and in particular the Cabinet Office seem to have taken to a particular shine to another version ‘Resilience’. If you look at the diagram below based on Cutter et al. (2010), ‘Disaster Resilience Indicators for Benchmarking […]

20 May 2014

The winners of the 2014 Guardian Sustainability Business Awards were announced last week – a very interesting range of current work. This website is linked to their sustainability awards process and provides a wealth of good practice across many sectors of business from low carbon, resources and waste, innovation, energy, water and communication. To read […]

20 May 2014

Defra: ‘Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) highlight the hazards and risks of flooding from rivers, the sea, surface water, groundwater and reservoirs, and set out how Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) work together with communities to manage flood risk.’  To read more click here

20 May 2014

JRF ‘We thought you might be interested to see the first call for proposals has been issued for the JRF’s new climate change and communities programme, seeking an evidence review on locality and community resilience to climate change. Evidence review: Locality and community resilience to climate change. This call for proposals seeks to identify what […]