07 Dec 2015

Three examples of many: 1.  Want to understand marine socio-economics? These introductory resource packs are really helpful – concise and clear http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/entry/economics-resource-pack-for-marine-ngos  2.  The effects of fishing on the benthos: We know that fishing can have a really damaging effect on the seabed – this website lists the current publications that are quantifying this. Go […]

07 Dec 2015

High tech solutions to shark threats to bathers that meet recreation and conservation objectives  NSW Government Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has announced a $16 Million, 5-year plan trialling high-tech solutions to combat increased shark attacks. These trial solutions come after the DPI held a community forum in Lennox Head earlier in October to reassure […]

03 Dec 2015

This Ecologist essay is set against the background of this current consultation and he also describes how the Government have systematically downgraded their commitment to the environment. The consultation: ‘Costs protection in environmental claims‘ runs from 17th September 2015 to 10th December 2015. Paul Mobbs  The Ecologist Essays   ‘Little publicised government plans to ‘reform’ court […]

03 Dec 2015

Ofwat:   PN 06/15 Ofwat welcomes Government review into retail competition for household water services.  Ofwat today welcomed the Government’s decision to look into the benefits of providing competition for retail water services to household customers in England. The Government has asked Ofwat to carry out the review, reporting back next summer. Once complete, it will […]

01 Dec 2015

The impact of Offshore Wind on human well-being Two new research reports available from The Crown Estate  These reports may be downloaded from The Crown Estate website at: http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/energy-and-infrastructure/research/energy-research/reports/ Summary Two new reports, the ‘Understanding the Impacts of Offshore Wind on Well-being’ and ‘Public Perceptions of Offshore Wind Farms’ have been published. The two linked […]

30 Nov 2015

                                        Survey on the environmental impacts of subsea cables: Renewables Grid Initiative    On behalf of the Renewables Grid Initiative, NIRAS are engaged in a project aiming to assist permitting authorities, project developers and stakeholders, such as environmental protection groups, throughout the development process of subsea grid infrastructure. NIRAS kindly asks for your expert input […]

30 Nov 2015

Flood News: Insurance companies are branding new £23m flood defences in a Northumberland town “irrelevant,” an MP has claimed as they continue to charge residents huge premiums.  New defences at Morpeth were completed this year on the back of major floods in 2008 and 2012, and have it is claimed massively reduced the risk of nearby properties being flooded.  Yet despite […]

30 Nov 2015

The Telegraph: Local communities may be stripped of the chance to decide on fracking in their area, under sweeping new rules allowing ministers to bypass councils entirely. Under controversial plans to encourage the faltering fracking industry, Greg Clark, the communities secretary, will now consider ‘calling in’ any planning application for shale gas exploration as soon […]